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10 tips to prevent traffic accidents

traffic accidents

10 tips to prevent traffic accidents

When you go out in your car you’re responsible not only for the safety of your passengers, you’re also responsible for avoiding an accident with other drivers or pedestrians. 

Attorneys in Utah want this wonderful state to have less frequent accidents on the streets, so we share with you 10 tips to prevent traffic accidents so you can avoid the legal processes of an accident. 

10 tips to prevent traffic accidents 

In this article, we show you what our recommendations are for preventing auto accidents as a referral company of doctors and lawyers in Utah.

Keep a safe distance

Keeping a distance between a vehicle and yours allows you to have a reaction time in case the vehicle in front of you has a problem. It is recommended that you maintain a distance of about the length of two cars. 

When cars are too close to each other, chain accidents happen and many are affected because they do not have time to react and brake.

Do not consume alcoholic beverages

You must already know this, but it is important to emphasize that you should not consume alcoholic beverages before or during your trip. Alcoholic beverages alter your senses and will not allow you to react accurately, see traffic signs or pedestrians. 

If you have consumed alcoholic beverages, it is much better to have an acquaintance or family member drive you to your destination or pay a transportation service. 

Respect traffic signs

Traffic signs are designed to keep drivers and pedestrians safe while traveling on streets, highways, or any type of roadway, so you should respect them and not ignore them. 

Some statistics from the state of Utah dictate that traffic accidents would decrease by at least 40% of all citizens’ respected traffic signals. 

Do not exceed speed limits

Most hit-and-run cases are caused by speeding vehicles. This is followed by car-to-car collisions. Most of the victims of these cases are seriously injured, incurring large medical expenses. 

You must be attentive and use the appropriate speed according to the road when you are in your car. 

Keep your vehicle in good condition

A vehicle in good condition is less likely to cause a traffic accident than other vehicles that are not properly maintained. Some accidents are caused by difficulties with the car. 

Before leaving on a trip, check your car, especially on long trips. You should also be careful with the fuel and see if it is enough for your route. 

Do not use your cell phone while driving. 

The mobile phone is a distracter when you are driving, a call or a message can make you not notice a vehicle, and person, or traffic sign and cause an accident. 

Some people use holders and hands-free options, but they are not recommended because they are equally distracting. Ideally, forget about the phone while driving or stop in a safe place and answer it if it is very urgent. 

Do not drive if you have not slept enough

Do not drive tired or sleepy, since tiredness can cause carelessness and therefore, a traffic accident. Try to get enough sleep and be in an active state. 

If you must travel for many hours or days, schedule rest stops of at least 20 minutes. But if you are very tired, sleep the necessary time before continuing your journey by car.  

When driving, wear comfortable shoes

The use of heels or sandals is not recommended when driving, since it can be uncomfortable or impair coordination in case you have to brake suddenly. 

Use comfortable shoes that allow you to step with precision, so you can have a better reaction in case of a mishap on the road.  

If you carry external luggage, make sure you secure the straps well

The best way to carry luggage is in a trunk, but if you need to carry external luggage, make sure it is well secured. If an object falls, it can cause a collision, a hit to another vehicle, or an obstacle on the road. 

Use tie-downs with hooks and do not exceed the amount of luggage. If you over-pack, it can fall off at any time along the way. 

Be aware of the car’s blind spots 

Cars have blind spots that cannot be seen by the driver with the mirrors, although they may not seem important, if you are not aware of these spots you can cause an accident when changing lanes or crossing the road. 

Adjust the mirrors to the height of your comfort so that you can see the points near the windshield frame. This will help you to be more aware of blind spots.

Tips to prevent traffic accidents for pedestrians 

In traffic accidents, the most affected are often pedestrians or those most severely affected. Depending on the case the pedestrian must resort to a collision attorney and the process can be long and stressful. 

It is so easy to avoid such stressful situations, follow these pedestrian accident prevention tips. 

Walk while watching traffic signs

Traffic signs are not only for drivers, pedestrians should also be aware of these signs and not cross without respecting these signs. 

Pedestrians should also be careful on wide roads and use the pedestrian routes and not jaywalk on wide streets.  

When walking at night, always have a bright object or light

Many pedestrians are run over when crossing because they are not seen, even when they respect traffic signals. 

When crossing the street carry an object visible at night or with light so that you can be seen when crossing. In this way, drivers will be alert of their presence. 

Always cross at the stripe 

Crossing the street without a signal stripe is an irresponsible and life-threatening act. Pedestrians should use the striping to cross the street. If you follow the traffic signs, you are less likely to have an accident. 

If you are also involved in an accident while crossing the striping, this act will be in your favor and the collision attorney will be able to get you a fair deal or a better argument in the event of a court case. 
